We offer you the best products at the lowest prices

Our products ensure safety and security

The company's products comply with European standards and are LPCB certified.



Delta is proud to become the company's agent in Egypt, in addition to providing pre-sales and after-sales support to our customers.



Maveli is a leading company in the field of fire detection systems. It was established in 1987 and its products are exported to more than 70 countries.


Customer satisfaction


........................... ML-125XX.NPTA Fire Alarm Panel

Expandable loops up to 16 loops, max. 2032 address capacity for each panel
Protection from electromagnetic interference
Surface mount technology
Real time clock

.......................................>>>>....... ML-124X.P Fire Alarm Panel

Compatible with EN 54-2 and EN 54-4
Expandable up to 8 loops, max. 1016 addresses capacity for
each panel

Event logs can be printed instantly or collectively by the
printer module

.................................................................... ML-123X Fire Alarm Panel

Compatible with EN 54-2 and EN 54-4
Expandable up to 8 loops, max 1016 address capacity
each panels
Real time clock

....... ML-122X Series Maxlogic IntelligentAddressable Fire Alarm
....... .............................................................................. . Control Panels

Intelligent addressable detectors in the addressable system, intelligent addressable manual call points, loop-powered sounders, intelligent addressable loop-powered base sounder/sounder beacon, zone control modules and intelligent addressable gas detectors; can be programmed to work in cause and effect scenario and fire automation can be done.
Complies with EN 54-2 and EN 54-4 standards
Supervised peripheral devices
Advanced parametric arrangement options for input/output devices
Top priority of fire alarm indication, different buttons for fire and other events, categorical classification due to events

Expandable up to 2 loops and 254 address capacity with modular structure