Delta for General Contracting & Supplies

دلتا للمقاولات و التوريدات العمومية

One entity

Delta Company is proud of its employees as they are the most important element for the company’s success.


Public and governmental contracting

We present to you the most important implemented projects and projects currently under work.

Implemented projects

Delta has implemented many projects in terms of construction and finishing at a high level.


Contact us

We are here to answer your questions and comments.

the address

36 Makram Ebeid Street - 12th/13th Floor, 6th District, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt


FAX&LANDLINE: (+2) 02 22722457 / (+2) 02 22707242

Mobile: (+2) 0111 297 9605 / (+2) 0114 898 2020

Social Media